A Toast to Your Grown-Up Self


Sparkling wine began with French monks almost 500 years ago, but it was a certain monk named Dom Perignon who is given credit for creating champagne itself.  There are all kinds of sparkling wine, but the French own the credit for “champagne.”  

That being said, I have a confession to make.  I absolutely hated being a child – everything about it.  Being a grown-up seemed like the best thing in the world.  And you know what? It totally is. And, for me anyway, there is nothing more grown up than drinking champagne.  Think Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant in “An Affair to Remember” aboard that cruise ship drinking champagne together.  


I mean, it just announces to the room “I’m an adult who’s ready to celebrate.”  Although even us grown-ups sometimes like to make our champagne cocktails a little ducky when hanging at the Peabody. 

This time of year more than any other time of year is primetime for drinking champagne.  Does not matter if you are mixing it with orange juice for a little mimosa for breakfast with friends or family, or drinking it straight up when ringing in the New Year with your special someone.   Personally, I like to drink champagne on a slow Tuesday sometimes. Is that odd? Who cares? I’m a grown up and do what I want.

In my household we stick to only French labels.  Moet & Chandon is my favorite, while the hubs is partial to Veuve Cliquot.  Both have been around for a few hundred years, and enjoyed by nobility, so you will not go wrong with either of these if you’re treating yourself, or if you are not used to drinking champagne.  Many are fond of the traditional Dom Perignon as well if you want to go old school. All of these are good straight up, with a little fruit, other liquors such as cognac, etc.

So, over this holiday season, step outside your comfort zone when ordering a cocktail & see what types of champagne specialties are on the menu and try one.  And if you lack confidence on what type of drink to order simply pull a Deborah Kerr and say “champagne cocktail please.” God, she was such a grown up…