Perkins Drive Spaghetti Sauce

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Well guys, we’ve made it through Thanksgiving, so it’s time to push on to Christmas. This recipe I’m sharing is a family favorite.

Our neighbors on Perkins Drive in Brookhaven were all like family. We lived in the same home for 40 years, so there are a lot of wonderful memories. One that is my favorite is the Perkins Drive Spaghetti Sauce recipe.

My parents would hunker down with our close friends the Panzicas to begin what we fondly called Spaghetti Day. I can only say it was tons of fun to eat the sauce and watch the chefs sing and dance after their culinary conquest.

Note that the recipe is easily doubled or tripled. Peace and Love …

Perkins Drive Spaghetti Sauce

1 stick of butter
1 cup of chopped green onions
2 large chopped onions
1 cup chopped celery
2 cups chopped bell peppers
5 chopped garlic toes
2 TB Italian seasoning
4 bay leaves
5 14 oz. cans of whole Italian tomatoes
3 cans tomato paste
3 8 oz. cans tomato sauce
1 tsp sugar

Sauté the first 9 ingredients for 20 minutes. Then add whole tomatoes and let cook slowly for 1hour. Then add tomato paste and tomato sauce. Add 1 cup of water. Simmer on low heat for 2 hours. Add sugar and let simmer another 2 hours. Remove the bay leaves. Serve over spaghetti. Enjoy with a nice bottle of red wine!